
How To Upload Image To Web From Android.comocation

Hey in this tutorial I am Sharing Android Epitome UpLoad to server. How to employ a photographic camera to capture an epitome and gallery to pick an image and pick convert to bitmap and upload to the server. Information technology very is and simpler to apply the camera in android and upload the epitome to the server. Select the image to upload to the server. Android Capture image from a camera and Choice Epitome from the gallery and Android paradigm upload to server.

  • Android Image UpLoad to server.
  • Android how to upload the prototype to the server.
  • how to click the prototype with the camera.
  • Android pic image from the gallery.
  • Android Image UpLoad to server with the camera.
  • Android Paradigm UpLoad to server with gallery.
  • Android Epitome UpLoad to server with volley network library.
  • Android image upload image from gallery and camera.
  • Android Prototype UpLoad to server tutorial.
  • Android Image UpLoad to server web log.
  • Android Image UpLoad to server Commodity.

Android Image UpLoad to server.

There is a simple stride to follow and implement these . and I have to use a volley network library. Hither I create a simple activity and add an image view and button Ui. When you click on the Push button open a dialog for the selected image from the gallery and camera option. And after selecting an image, nosotros call API for Android image upload to server.

Footstep ane: Kickoff Android Studio and Create a Project in your Android studio

Setp2:-  Create an Activeness Uplode_Reg_Photo

Footstep 3:- Open your Manifest file and add user permission

< uses-permission android :name= "android.permission.Internet" />
uses-permission android :proper noun= "android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
uses-permission android :name= "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
uses-permission android :proper noun= "android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
uses-permission android :name= "android.permission.Photographic camera" />

Android Image UpLoad to server From Camera and gallery

Stride 4:-  Open up your activity_ uplode_reg_photo.xml file Android Image UpLoad to the server.

activity_ uplode_reg_photo XML File

                      <?            xml version=            "1.0"                        encoding=            "utf-8"            ?>            <LinearLayout                        xmlns:            android            =            ""                        xmlns:            app            =            ""                        xmlns:            tools            =            ""                        android            :layout_width=            "match_parent"                        android            :layout_height=            "match_parent"                        android            :padding=            "15dp"                        android            :orientation=            "vertical"                        tools            :context=            "com.codeplayon.Uplode_Reg_Photo">          <TextView                        android            :layout_width=            "match_parent"                        android            :layout_height=            "wrap_content"                        android            :layout_marginTop=            "20dp"                        android            :text=            "   Upload id prof pic"/>              <ImageView                        android            :id=            "@+id/IdProf"                        android            :layout_width=            "match_parent"                        android            :layout_height=            "250dp"                        android            :src=            "@drawable/ic_insert_photo_white_48dp"                        android            :layout_marginTop=            "10dp"                        android            :background=            "@drawable/editbox"/>                  <Push                        android            :id=            "@+id/UploadBtn"                        android            :layout_width=            "180dp"                        android            :layout_height=            "wrap_content"                        android            :layout_marginTop=            "15dp"                        android            :text=            "Upload"                        android            :textStyle=            "assuming"                        android            :textAppearance=            "?android:textAppearanceMedium"                        android            :textColor=            "@color/white"                        android            :layout_gravity=            "center"                        android            :background=            "@drawable/button"/>          </LinearLayout>        

Android Prototype UpLoad to server

In this java file, we implement the functional on image click image from camera and Pick an prototype from gallery and upload prototype to the server. And then that follow the steps for Android Image UpLoad to server.

Step 5:- Open Your coffee file

                      public form            Uplode_Reg_Photo            extends            AppCompatActivity            implements            View.OnClickListener{                      public static final            String                          KEY_User_Document1                          =            "doc1";              ImageView            IDProf;              Button            Upload_Btn;                                          private            String            Document_img1=""                        @Override                      protected void            onCreate(Package savedInstanceState) {                      super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);                  setContentView(R.layout.              activity_uplode__reg__photo            );                                          IDProf=(ImageView)findViewById(              IdProf            );                      Upload_Btn=(Push button)findViewById(              UploadBtn            );                      IDProf.setOnClickListener(new            View.OnClickListener() {                      @Override                      public void            onClick(View v) {                          selectImage();                      }                  });                      Upload_Btn.setOnClickListener(this);              }                      private void            selectImage() {                      concluding            CharSequence[] options = {            "Take Photo",            "Cull from Gallery","Cancel"            };         builder =            new  ;                  architect.setTitle("Add Photo!");                  builder.setItems(options,            new            DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {                      @Override                      public void            onClick(DialogInterface dialog,            int            item) {                      if            (options[particular].equals("Accept Photograph"))                          {                              Intent intent =            new            Intent(MediaStore.              ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE            );                              File f =            new            File(android.os.Surround.getExternalStorageDirectory(),            "temp.jpg");                              intent.putExtra(MediaStore.              EXTRA_OUTPUT            , Uri.fromFile(f));                              startActivityForResult(intent, 1);                          }                      else if            (options[item].equals("Choose from Gallery"))                          {                              Intent intent =            new            Intent(Intent.              ACTION_PICK            ,android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.              EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI            );                              startActivityForResult(intent, two);                          }                      else if            (options[particular].equals("Cancel")) {                              dialog.dismiss();                          }                      }                  });        ;              }              @Override                      protected void            onActivityResult(int            requestCode,            int            resultCode, Intent information) {                      super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, information);                      if            (resultCode ==                          RESULT_OK            ) {          if            (requestCode == i) {                          File f =            new            File(Environs.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString());                      for            (File temp : f.listFiles()) {                      if            (temp.getName().equals("temp.jpg")) {                                  f = temp;                      interruption;                              }                          }                      try            {                              Bitmap bitmap;                              BitmapFactory.Options bitmapOptions =            new            BitmapFactory.Options();                              bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(f.getAbsolutePath(), bitmapOptions);                              bitmap=getResizedBitmap(bitmap, 400);                      IDProf.setImageBitmap(bitmap);                              BitMapToString(bitmap);                              Cord path = android.os.Surroundings                                      .getExternalStorageDirectory()                                      + File.              separator                          +            "Phoenix"            + File.              separator                          +            "default";                              f.delete();                              OutputStream outFile =            nada;                              File file =            new            File(path, String.valueOf(Organisation.currentTimeMillis()) +            ".jpg");                      try            {                                  outFile =            new            FileOutputStream(file);                                  bitmap.shrink(Bitmap.CompressFormat.              JPEG            , 85, outFile);                                  outFile.flush();                                  outFile.close();                              }            take hold of            (FileNotFoundException e) {                                  e.printStackTrace();                              }            catch            (IOException due east) {                                  e.printStackTrace();                              }            take hold of            (Exception e) {                                  due east.printStackTrace();                              }                          }            grab            (Exception east) {                              e.printStackTrace();                          }                      }            else if            (requestCode == 2) {                          Uri selectedImage = data.getData();                          Cord[] filePath = { MediaStore.Images.Media.              Information                          };                          Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(selectedImage,filePath,            aught,            nil,            naught);                          c.moveToFirst();                      int            columnIndex = c.getColumnIndex(filePath[0]);                          String picturePath = c.getString(columnIndex);                          c.close();                          Bitmap thumbnail = (BitmapFactory.decodeFile(picturePath));                          thumbnail=getResizedBitmap(thumbnail, 400);                          Log.west("path of image from gallery......******************.........", picturePath+"");                      IDProf.setImageBitmap(thumbnail);                          BitMapToString(thumbnail);                      }                  }              }                      public            String BitMapToString(Bitmap userImage1) {                  ByteArrayOutputStream baos =            new            ByteArrayOutputStream();                  userImage1.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.              PNG            , 60, baos);                      byte[] b = baos.toByteArray();                      Document_img1            = Base64.encodeToString(b, Base64.              DEFAULT            );                      return                        Document_img1;              }                      public            Bitmap getResizedBitmap(Bitmap image,            int            maxSize) {                      int            width = epitome.getWidth();                      int            top = image.getHeight();                      float            bitmapRatio = (bladder)width / (float) height;                      if            (bitmapRatio > ane) {                      width = maxSize;                      elevation = (int) (width / bitmapRatio);                  }            else            {                      summit = maxSize;                      width = (int) (height * bitmapRatio);                  }                      return            Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(image, width, summit,            true);              }                      individual void            SendDetail() {                      final            ProgressDialog loading =            new            ProgressDialog(Uplode_Reg_Photo.this);                  loading.setMessage("Please Wait...");        ;                  loading.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(false);                  RetryPolicy mRetryPolicy =            new            DefaultRetryPolicy(0, DefaultRetryPolicy.              DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES            , DefaultRetryPolicy.              DEFAULT_BACKOFF_MULT            );                  StringRequest stringRequest =            new            StringRequest(Asking.Method.              POST            , ConfiURL.              Registration_URL            ,                      new            Response.Listener<String>() {                              @Override                      public void            onResponse(String response) {                      try            {                                      loading.dismiss();                                      Log.d("JSON", response);                                      JSONObject eventObject =            new            JSONObject(response);                                      String error_status = eventObject.getString("error");                      if            (error_status.equals("true")) {                                          String error_msg = eventObject.getString("msg");                                          ContextThemeWrapper ctw =            new            ContextThemeWrapper( Uplode_Reg_Photo.this, R.way.              Theme_AlertDialog            );                      final            AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder =            new            AlertDialog.Architect(ctw);                                          alertDialogBuilder.setTitle("Vendor Item");                                          alertDialogBuilder.setCancelable(faux);                                          alertDialogBuilder.setMessage(error_msg);                                          alertDialogBuilder.setPositiveButton("ok",            new            DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {          public void            onClick(DialogInterface dialog,            int            id) {                                              }                                          });                                          alertDialogBuilder.prove();                                      }            else            {                                          String error_msg = eventObject.getString("msg");                                          ContextThemeWrapper ctw =            new            ContextThemeWrapper( Uplode_Reg_Photo.this,              Theme_AlertDialog            );                      last            AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder =            new            AlertDialog.Architect(ctw);                                          alertDialogBuilder.setTitle("Registration");                                          alertDialogBuilder.setCancelable(false);                                          alertDialogBuilder.setMessage(error_msg);                      //                                alertDialogBuilder.setIcon(R.drawable.doubletick);            alertDialogBuilder.setPositiveButton("ok",            new            DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {                      public void            onClick(DialogInterface dialog,            int            id) {                                                  Intent intent=new            Intent(Uplode_Reg_Photo.this,Log_In.class);                                                  startActivity(intent);                                                  finish();                                              }                                          });                                ;                                      }                                  }catch(Exception e){                                      Log.d("Tag", e.getMessage());                                  }                              }                          },                      new            Response.ErrorListener() {                              @Override                      public void            onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {                                  loading.dismiss();                      if            (mistake            instanceof            TimeoutError || error            instanceof            NoConnectionError) {                                      ContextThemeWrapper ctw =            new            ContextThemeWrapper( Uplode_Reg_Photo.this, R.manner.              Theme_AlertDialog            );          final            AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder =            new            AlertDialog.Builder(ctw);                                      alertDialogBuilder.setTitle("No connection");                                      alertDialogBuilder.setMessage(" Connectedness time out error please attempt again ");                                      alertDialogBuilder.setPositiveButton("ok",            new            DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {                      public void            onClick(DialogInterface dialog,            int            id) {                                          }                                      });                            ;                                  }            else if            (error            instanceof            AuthFailureError) {                                      ContextThemeWrapper ctw =            new            ContextThemeWrapper( Uplode_Reg_Photo.this, R.mode.              Theme_AlertDialog            );                      final            AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder =            new            AlertDialog.Builder(ctw);                                      alertDialogBuilder.setTitle("Connectedness Error");                                      alertDialogBuilder.setMessage(" Authentication failure connection mistake delight try again ");                                      alertDialogBuilder.setPositiveButton("ok",            new            DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {                      public void            onClick(DialogInterface dialog,            int            id) {                                          }                                      });                            ;                      //                          TODO                          }            else if            (error            instanceof            ServerError) {                                      ContextThemeWrapper ctw =            new            ContextThemeWrapper( Uplode_Reg_Photo.this,              Theme_AlertDialog            );                      final            AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder =            new            AlertDialog.Builder(ctw);                                      alertDialogBuilder.setTitle("Connection Error");                                      alertDialogBuilder.setMessage("Connectedness error please try again");                                      alertDialogBuilder.setPositiveButton("ok",            new            DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {          public void            onClick(DialogInterface dialog,            int            id) {                                          }                                      });                            ;                      //                          TODO            }            else if            (error            instanceof            NetworkError) {                                      ContextThemeWrapper ctw =            new            ContextThemeWrapper( Uplode_Reg_Photo.this,              Theme_AlertDialog            );                      final            AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder =            new            AlertDialog.Builder(ctw);                                      alertDialogBuilder.setTitle("Connexion Mistake");                                      alertDialogBuilder.setMessage("Network connection error please try over again");                                      alertDialogBuilder.setPositiveButton("ok",            new            DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {                      public void            onClick(DialogInterface dialog,            int            id) {                                          }                                      });                                      alertDialogBuilder.bear witness();                      //                          TODO                          }            else if            (mistake            instanceof            ParseError) {                                      ContextThemeWrapper ctw =            new            ContextThemeWrapper( Uplode_Reg_Photo.this,              Theme_AlertDialog            );          final            AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder =            new            AlertDialog.Builder(ctw);                                      alertDialogBuilder.setTitle("Error");                                      alertDialogBuilder.setMessage("Parse fault");                                      alertDialogBuilder.setPositiveButton("ok",            new            DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {                      public void            onClick(DialogInterface dialog,            int            id) {                                          }                                      });                            ;                                  }                      //                        Toast.makeText(Login_Activity.this,error.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show();            }                          }){                      @Override                      protected            Map<Cord, String> getParams()            throws            AuthFailureError {                          Map<Cord,String> map =            new            HashMap<Cord,String>();                          map.put(              KEY_User_Document1            ,Document_img1);                      return            map;                      }                  };                  RequestQueue requestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);                  stringRequest.setRetryPolicy(mRetryPolicy);                  requestQueue.add(stringRequest);              }              @Override                      public void            onClick(View five) {                      if            (Document_img1.equals("") ||            Document_img1.equals(goose egg)) {                      ContextThemeWrapper ctw =            new            ContextThemeWrapper( Uplode_Reg_Photo.this,              Theme_AlertDialog            );                      concluding            AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder =            new            AlertDialog.Builder(ctw);                      alertDialogBuilder.setTitle("Id Prof Tin can't Empty ");                      alertDialogBuilder.setMessage("Id Prof Can't empty delight select whatsoever one document");                      alertDialogBuilder.setPositiveButton("ok",            new            DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {                      public void            onClick(DialogInterface dialog,            int            id) {                          }                      });                      alertDialogBuilder.prove();                      return;                  }                      else{          if            (AppStatus.getInstance(this).isOnline()) {                          SendDetail();                      //           Toast.makeText(this,"Y'all are online!!!!",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();            }            else            {                          Toast.makeText(this,"You are non online!!!!",Toast.              LENGTH_LONG            ).evidence();                          Log.v("Habitation",            "############################Yous are not online!!!!");                      }                  }              }          }        

Android Image UpLoad to server From Photographic camera and gallery.

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How To Upload Image To Web From Android.comocation,


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